• UM Centre of Innovation and Enterprise
  • umcie@um.edu.my
  • 03-7967 7351




Please include ALL of the following information: 

  1. Full name of principal applicant(s) and supporting document of identification (Mykad number if Malaysian or passport number), contact address, phone number(s) and email. 
  2. Name of Business/Activity &Business registration number (if relevant) 
  3. Nature and size of Business/Operations, including the number of persons that will occupy spaces. 
  4. Spaces requirement (in sq. ft.) or no. of desks (fpr shared space incubator) 
  5. Facility requirements (absolute requirements, optional requirements) 
  6. Links/Benefits to University of Malaya 
  7. Proof of financial stability/support. 
  8. The expected term of tenancy (months/years) 
  9. Attach a letter of support or-->{C}

Last Update: 11/03/2022