• UM Centre of Innovation and Enterprise
  • umcie@um.edu.my
  • 03-7967 7351

Financial grants are non-refundable funds provided by non-profit or government donors to finance individuals, charitable projects, or small enterprises that provide a particular service or aim to serve a specific group of people. The process of obtaining a financial grant is completed either by submitting a proposal to a proposed financier with some necessary reports or by responding to the request of the funding provider to submit a project proposal. The platform provides opportunities for many financial grants to study and finance research projects, academia, small projects, and youth empowerment projects.

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Prototypes Research Grant Scheme (PRGS) 2021 

Helps to bridge the gap between research findings and commercialization for the purpose of creating new technologies/discoveries in line with K-economic needs and the implementation of the New Economic Model.

Register now 

Last Update: 09/03/2022